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Happy Birthday to Tyler Jeanne!!!

Our Baby Girl is finally here! We have waited so long that I can hardly believe it. Needless to say that I got absolutely no sleep last night due to the anticipation. We were the first scheduled C-section of the day so we had to get to the hospital super early in the morning.
Brian getting ready for the operating room. He is so cute! the white surgical outfit he had to wear kind of made him look like he should be working in a clean room. He was pretty awake considering it was before 8am!

Although I looked terrible (i.e. bloated, swollen, exhausted) I was so excited! The hour before the surgery killed me. It seemed like time was going so slow. It also took the nurse three times to get an IV in my arm.... Just think at one time in my life I was afraid of needles but now I can show nurses and doctors where the best veins are.

Tyler Jeanne DeBruin
Born March 3, 2011 at 9:34am
7 pounds
Our first family picture! As soon as Dr. Lowe told me she was about to be born I started to cry! My nurse did an amazing job of taking pictures of her birth. Since she was naked and covered in stuff I have omitted them.

Brian held her as close as he could to my face. Talk about Love at First Sight! I have never seen anything more beautiful in my whole life.

This is Tyler being checked out by the doctor in the hospital nursery. No bath yet!

Tyler "what in the world just happened to me?"
"Daddy...don't take pictures of me my hair is a mess!"

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